"Living is more than surviving–living is blossoming." - Pierre Dussault
COMA: Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children
Delivered - June, 2005"I have been teaching O&M for 35 years ...this presentation, in my opinion, is a "MUST" for all O&M specialists. It was the best presentation I can remember ever attending in my career."
-Dona Sauerburger, COMS
Region 19 Education Service Center - El Paso, Texas
Delivered - July, 2004"I highly recommend Mr. Daniel Kish as a presenter. ...His presentation was informative and entertaining. The parents rated Mr. Kish's presentation as exceptional."
- Olivia Chavez
Birmingham City University, England - 2009-2010
Includes a newspaper article about our professional development workshops and student trainings provided through Birmingham City University. We delivered five workshops. Also includes appreciations from participants.
"Your letter from Holly is lovely and shows how much she appreciated meeting you and indeed she has developed a much more positive attitude to her long cane. Thank you for your assistance with this."
New College Worcester School for the Blind
Includes a BBC news piece and appreciations:
"The ... footage is excellent and we had a significant increase in interest on our website after the broadcast. ... the students are really benefiting from the skills that we learnt from you. You have caused quite a BUZZ and other students really want to work with and meet you."
Workshop For Vermont Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired
May, 2013News reports and media about a well received, three day professional development workshop conducted by Daniel Kish and Brian Bushway in Vermont.
Date: Mon, 6 May 2013
From: "Norris, Daniel E"
Subject: Thank you for Your Training
We’d like to thank you for your training this past weekend. All who were involved truly enjoyed it and got a lot out of it. Please send our regards and thanks to Brian as well for his training in Rutland. Jeff told us it went very well and all the participants enjoyed their time with Brian.
Bill, we definitely heard you when you emphasized that you and Daniel wish to be a resource for us and that we can come to you for answers to questions, problem solving, etc. We will be sure to do that. We look forward to finding ways to use your training as another tool in our client’s tool belts.
Again, thank you! Safe travels in Iceland, Daniel!
Dan Norris
Blind Beginnings: Daniel Kish and FlashSonar
Features World Access for the Blind workshops and history with Shawn Marsolais and Blind Beginnings.
South African Mobility Association - Flash Sonar: a new look at an old skil
M.A.S.A. newsletter - September, 2010By Ken Lord
About our workshops and keynote presentation to the newly reformed South African Mobility Association. To Ken Lord, now deceased, whith fond memories.
Orientation Center for the Blind, Oakland, California - spring, 2007
Includes reports from one of the students named Kathy, her Rehab counselor, and Mobility Specialists from this intensive, three day workshop.
Alberta Society for the Visually Impaired
Workshop delivered - September, 2004Tricia Wack
Institute for Innovative Blind Navigation
Workshops Delivered - 2001-2002Dr. Douglas Baldwin, Director
Provincial Resource Centre for the Visually Impaired, BC
Workshop Delivered - March, 2002Traveling a New Road: two day mobility workshop
October, 2003Invited Beyond Boundaries and Borders
July, 2003An article about our first workshop in México where Juan Ruiz and Daniel Kish delivered a series of workshops to students and mobility instructors of the CEIAC nonprofit in Chihuahua.
National Federation of the Blind Rehabilitation Conference - July, 2005
The Rehabilitation Revolution: Our History, Current Challenges, and the Future"Echolocation and Mobility,"
"a speech delivered by Mr. Daniel Kish, M.A., M.A.,COMS, NOMC, Executive Director, World Access for the Blind"
Visibility Scotland One Week Workshop
August, 2007Daniel Kish and Brian Bushway train the staff of Visibility Scotland for nine days in FlashSonar and family Mobility Coaching, as well as conduct local seminars, and work with families. Here are some reports of these workshop proceedings. They include renowned neural Ophthalmologist Prof. Gordon Dutton's appraisal of our approach, as well as his neurological explanation of how it works.
Sensory Consortium - Reading, England
2008-2010Daniel Kish delivers a series of workshops for professionals and blind children, focusing on toddlers and young school age.
Nürnberg Family Workshop: Seeing Through Sound
CNN International: Vital Signs - June 18, 2014Sanjay Gupta
Touchingly thought provoking coverage of one of our Perceptual navigation instructors, Brian Bushway, and Daniel Kish conducting a family workshop with Juan Ruiz in Nürnberg, Germany. Also includes comments from a parent.
Canadian Institute for the Blind, Vancouver - Flash Sonar: Seeing with Sound
Fox News L.A. - April, 2007By Christina Gonzalez
This is a documentary of our first CNIB Vancouver workshop. It is an excellent overview of our approach, showcasing our instructional and recreational programs, and contains reports from several parents.
Renwick University, two day workshop
Sydney Australia - March, 2012Short and long term reports from instructors who attended the workshop.
Blind Industries Baltimore Workshop and Queensland Family Camp
SBS2Australia - March 12, 2015by Lanneke Hargreaves
A thoughtful, warm, and pleasant documentary of FlashSonar training and the philosophies of freedom behind it, with focus on workshops delivered in Baltimore Maryland by Daniel Kish at the Industries for the Blind, and Queensland Australia at family camp directed by Julee-anne Bell, with Penny Stevenson as mobility instructor. Includes some lovely interviews with adults and children.
Activational presentations, Events, and Engagements
We go where we're invited; we stay where we're welcome. We don't try to sell, persuade, or convince. Our aim is to share what we learn. We've delivered hundreds of workshops, presentations, and trainings directly to many thousands of participants in over 36 countries and half the U.S. Most of our engagements are invited by word of mouth, as we do little active promotion. Our services are overwhelmingly well received all across the globe. Although we charge only for reimbursement of our own expenses in most cases, we are often generously sponsored by religious and relief organizations, schools and universities, medical institutions, nonprofit entities, media companies, prfessional organizations, corporations, and private clients themselves out of appreciation for what they've received. Thank you. We are pleased to serve.
Workshop: Guide Dogs, New South Wales, ACT
News.com.au - February, 2012What young students and parents have to say at the Workshop for Guide Dogs NSW, Australia, Sydney head quarters. This was one of a two week series of workshops delivered to Guide Dogs NSW-ACT regional offices throughout New South Wales.
Braille Beats and World Access for the Blind
June 17-26, 2011World Access for the Blind provides independence instruction and cabin monitor supervision for the Braille Beats Fine Arts intensive of Lapeer, Michigan for the 5th summer in a row since 2007. Braille Beats is a project of World Access for the Blind and Blind Vision.
Legooners Sensory Day and Training
January, 2011; Kiwanis Island ParkWith the help of the Legooners, Daniel Kish provides a day to remember for members of the general public and families of blind kids. Two young blind children and an adult gentleman received positive exposure to our approach.
Our most heart felt thanks to the Legooners, who are a group of elementary school kids who took the initiative to raise the neccessary funds and awareness to have Daniel come out to work with their community.
Perkins School for the Blind
May 4-5, 2012Daniel Kish delivers a Perceptual Navigation workshop for Orientation and Mobility Specialists from the greater Boston area, sponsored by the Perkins School for the Blind.