As the result of providing a total of 3 weeks of instruction to blind students and instructors in México, World Access for the Blind has established a formal partnership with El Centro de Estudios para Invidentes A.C. - CEIAC - (Study Center for the Blind). CEIAC is the only nonprofit organization in México known to provide training and equipment to support mainstream education, recreation, and vocation for blind people. besides promoting much needed professional exchange between México and the U.S. regarding blindness, this partnership will spawn the first mobility certification preparation program in México. It will also open the Spanish speaking America's to innovative alternative perception approaches, and mobilize a long awaited campaign to bring the needs and strengths of blindness into the eye of the Hispanic public. This will be done by garnering press coverage and by disseminating information about blindness education, rehabilitation, and child-rearing to key agencies and service clubs throughout Spanish speaking America.