Account of Mobility instructors first FlashSonar Lesson given to a student

From: "Sarah, Fri, 17 Jul 2009
... I just gave my
first "active echolocation" lesson this week and it was more successful
than I could have ever hoped it would be.  Thank you so much for making
your Flash Sonar Program available online I thoroughly studied it before this lesson and am going to continue studying it as my student advances.

This particular client is already a very skilled passive echolocation user
but has been attempting to extract a degree of information from it that
just wasn't possible, causing a great deal of frustration and confusion.
After one lesson--and a clumsy one, at that--he was able to locate the
corner in an unfamiliar room and, outdoors, a chain link fence.  When we
came back inside to review the lesson, he said that he was so impressed
with what he'd been able to do just with that little bit of training that
it was already changing the way he thought about himself and what he was
capable of.

Having witnessed first-hand what a huge difference it can make, I
guarantee that I'm going to be placing more emphasis on using active
echolocation with my other clients.

Sarah, COMS