World Access for the Blind, Alcon Labs Corporation, NEC Foundation, and J.R. Control Corporation have established a philanthropic partnership to address the needs of blind people whose vision cannot be preserved or restored. Alcon Labs leads the medical field world wide in the design and production of surgical instrumentation to preserve and restore vision. NEC Corporation is a leading manufacturer and distributor of computer accessories, best known for their exquisite monitors. J.R. Control is a lead company in circuit board manufacture. Alcon Foundation contributed a $50,000 grant, and NEC Foundation $20,000, to complete and distribute the next version of SoundFlash (our FlashSonar enhancement device), together with instructional materials. J.R. Control Corporation agreed to design and produce all prototype SoundFlash circuit boards, resulting in a potential savings of thousands of dollars. Dozens of Alcon volunteers from all expertise including engineers, graphics designers, communication technologists, and human resources have joined our ranks. Over twelve thousand dollars have been graciously donated by Alcon staff including donations in memory of Jack Prescott, one of our volunteer engineers.